Borough Regulations Regarding Walking Dogs

REGARDING DOGS RESIDING IN OR VISITING PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 76 OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF LAUREL SPRINGS. In addition to licensing and vaccination, the Borough of Laurel Springs requires all dogs either residing or visiting to be:

  • §76-11-LEASHED on leashes not extending beyond six feet and IN PHYSICAL CONTROL or RESTRAINED on your property and not at large.
  • §76-13-Compliant with the Borough’s PET WASTE ordinance, by picking up after your dog.
  • §76-23.27-NOT CREATING A NUISANCE by continuously howling, barking, crying or screaming, significantly destroying, desecrating or soiling properties, excessive breeding of fleas, flies, odors or noises; chasing motor vehicles or other vehicles; chasing or otherwise molesting passersby; or trespassing upon public or private grounds.

The Borough has received complaints that these items are not being followed. Please be considerate of others, especially while we are under the current cautionary closures and directives.